Whole Genome Re-sequencing (WGS)


Definition and Introduction

Whole Genome Resequencing is a commonly used tool to gain full information of gene variations in whole genome scale. Whole genome resequencing aims to sequence individuals with short reads, align them to a reference genome, and determine genomic variations. This technology enables novel variations discovery and detection of variations which are located outside the exon region, detection of such variations may be impossible using array-based methods or exome sequencing. Whole genome resequencing has been broadly applied in drug R&D, disease research, evolutionary biology and population biology. In addition, this tool also is used as a supplementary means for clinical diagnostics.



  • Diverse analysis methods, including variation detection, annotation and personalized analysis.
  • Novel variation detection, comparative advantage when compared with array-based methods.
  • Somatic mutation detection, useful for cancer research.
  • Shorter run time and lower cost compared with human whole genome de novo sequencing.


Sample Requirements

■ Sample quantity: ≥6µg DNA.

■ Sample concentration: ≥30 ng/μL.

■ Sample purity: OD260/280=1.8~2.0, without degradation and RNA contamination.